Wednesday, January 27, 2016

How to integrate Red Hat Satellite with VMWare (ESX)

You can integrate Red Hat Satellite with VMWare ESX Hypervisor so that you can just use one license "Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters, Standard" per ESX.

Here is the procedure to make your satellite talk to ESX hypervisor to retrive the UUIDs

1. Register a VMWare based Linux server on Satellite

2. Install virt-who package

# yum install virt-who

3. Add the following lines onto /etc/sysconfig/virt-who

4. Enable and restart virt-who service

# chconfig virt-who on

# service virt-who restart

5. Now virt-who will populate all your hypervisors on RedHat satellite webUI.

6. Go to Content > Content host. Here you will find some systems with UUID. These are all hypervisors reported by your virt-who service.

7. Select a hypervisor > Subscription > Add > Select virtual datacenter subscription. > attach.
Follow this step for all hypervisors available on web UI.

8. Now on your virt-who server execute the following command to list out the hypervisors inherited virtual datacenter subscription.
This subscription contains the pool id. Note down this pool id.

# subscription-manager list --available

9. Now subscribe your system

# subscription-manager subscribe --pool=


s said...

Thank you for post

Unknown said...

Thanks. you can also verify it on