Monday, September 7, 2009

X Window for Linux

X Window for Linux

- Graphical User Interface of Unix
- Runs in a sperate user space in linux
- Users client-server architecture

Few X-window based applications,
1. xterm
2. xeyes
3. xbanner
4. xcalc
5. xedit

Default X Window Server in Linux:

- Only root can do the configuration
- Config File: /etc/X11/XF86Config or XF86Config-4
- Command used to configure:
1. XFree86 -configure
2. For Redhat Linux: redfat-config-xfree86
3. For SUSE Linux: SAX2, YAST

Command to start X session:
# startx

To start second session:
# startx --:1

Window Manager:
- Available Window Managers:
Fvwm95, Afterstep, KDE, GNOME
- $HOME/.xsession contains your default window manager
- Use 'swtichdesk' command to change your window manager

Session MAnager:

- Is a program that manages X sessions

- Starts XFree86m displays a graphical login prompt

- Authenticates the user logins, then starts the users favourite window manager

- When a user logouts, it restarts XFree86 and displays a login prompt for the next user

- Available Session Managers:
a. xdm - /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess, /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config
b. kdm - /etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc, /etc/kde/kdm/Xaccess
c. gdm - /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf

- Started by init process in runlevel 5

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