Friday, December 18, 2015

Managing Activation Key using Hammer commands

1. To create an activation key,

# hammer activation-key create --name "rhel70ak" \
 --content-view "rhel70cv" --lifecycle-environment Library \
 --organization "MyCompany"

2. To update the release version on an activation key,

# hammer activation-key update --release-version "7Server"  \
 --organization "MyCompany" --name "rhel70ak"

3. To display and find out the ID of the subscriptions available,

# hammer subscription list --organization "MyCompany"

4. To list and find out the ID of the activation keys,

# hammer activation-key list --organization "MyCompany"

5. Attach the subscription to the activation key,

# hammer activation-key add-subscription --id 2 --subscription-id 12

6. To list the subscriptions attached to an activation key,

# hammer activation-key subscriptions --id 2 --organization "MyCompany"

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